Monday, July 19, 2010

Another week goes by...

The last week was pretty uneventful.  J & Cheesemeister drove for swap this week since Kelley was traveling.  It was kind of nice to just stay home.  BB woke up twice that night, once with a nightmare and another time the thunder woke her and scared her.  The next morning my dad called while J was eating breakfast across the table and BB talked to him and J & were looking at each other waiting for her to say something to my dad about him being there or him being my boyfriend or something.  Luckily she didn't, but she did inform Cheesemeister that J is my boyfriend and he is my husband when he got home. Ahhh, kids...they're lucky they're cute.

This weekend Cheesemeister's family had a party on Saturday and then we went over to Kelley & J's afterward.  We almost all fell asleep on the couch (except J) and Kelley made a big breakfast Sunday morning and we ended up splitting up and going to see "Inception" which we all loved.  The girls got along really well while J & I were home and Kelley & Cheesemeister were at the movies.  Then I whipped up some pasta primevara with whole wheat pasta and organic vegetables (Kelley & J belong to an organic vegetable group where they get a large bag every week).  It wasn't great, but everyone ate it and said it's good to be loved.  ;-)

The main topic among our households is the vacation we're going on next week.  We're all heading north to the lake that Kelley's family has gone to for years for the whole week!  YAY!  We all really need it and I feel like I haven't seen Kelley in forever, so I'm looking forward to laying on the beach with her.  

Just another CRAZY week in the life of us CRAZY poly people....  or not.  LOLz

Oh, and J keeps saying he's going to blog on here.... but he hasn't.....  Ahem.  ;-)

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